Partidas en base
Amador - Gildardo García
Capablanca XXXI Cienfuegos 1996
Ruy López C88
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 O-O 8. h3 Bb7 9. d3 Re8 10. c3 [10. Bg5!? it is a sound alternstive even though very few GMs play it] 10... h6 [10... Bf8 11. Bg5!? Topalov-Short, Elenite 1995, CBM 50] 11. Nbd2 Bf8 12. Nf1 Na5 13. Bc2 c5 14. Ng3 d5 15. Nh2!? c4!? 16. Ng4 cd3 17. Qd3 Ng4 [17... Ne4 18. f3 (18. Ne4 de4 19. Qg3 Kh7 20. Ne5 White has the initiative) 18... Bc5 19. Kh2 h5 (19... Ng3 20. Qh7 Kf8 21. Qh8 Ke7 22. Qg7 White has a moderate advantage) 20. Nh6 gh6 21. fe4 de4 22. Qe2 White has sufficient compensation for material deficit] 18. hg4 de4 [18... d4!?] 19. Qe2! White has a slight advantage 19... Nc4 20. Ne4 Nd6 21. Rd1 Qb6 The critical moment, Black would be clearly worse after 21...xe4 so he decides to allow the apparently devastating exchange on d6 followed by d3. Here I thought for nearly 40 minutes. 22. Be3 A safe move not entering the complications. [22. Nd6 Bd6 23. Qd3 Qc6 24. Qh7 Kf8 25. f3 Black now has many alternatives, of all of them 25...e4 seems the best to avoid a rapid disaster. 25... e4! (25... Bc5 26. Kh2 (26. Kf1 Ba7! (26... Bb6 27. b3 b4 (27... Qc5? 28. Ba3!! Qa3 29. Rd7 White has a decisive advantage) 28. cb4) 27. Qh8 (27. b3 b4 28. cb4 Qb6) 27... Ke7 28. Qg7 Qc5 29. Bg5 hg5 30. Qg5 Kf8 31. Qh6 drawish position) (26. Kh1 Rad8 (26... Re6 27. Qh8 Ke7 28. Qg7) (26... e4 27. Be4 Qc7 (27... Qf6 28. g5 Qe5 29. Rd7) 28. Bh6 gh6 29. Qh6 Ke7 30. Qh4 Kf8 31. Bb7 Qb7 32. Qh8 Ke7 33. Qe5 White has a decisive advantage) (26... Ke7 27. Qg7) 27. Rd8 Rd8 28. Qh8 Ke7 29. Qg7) 26... e4 27. Qh8 (27. Be4 Qf6 28. g5 Qe5 29. g3 Be4 30. fe4 Qe4 31. Qe4 Re4 32. gh6 Re2 33. Kh3 Kg8 34. Rd5 Bf8 White has sufficient compensation for material deficit) 27... Ke7 28. Qg7 Bd6 (28... Qc7 29. g3 Rg8 30. Qh6! Rh8 31. Bg5 White has a decisive advantage) (28... ef3 29. Re1 Kd8 30. Bf4 White has the attack) 29. g3 (29. Kh3!?) 29... Qc5 unclear position) (25... Ke7 26. Qg7 Rh8 (26... Rg8 27. Qh6 Rg4 (27... Rh8 28. Bg5 Kd7 29. Be4) 28. Qd6 Qd6 29. Rd6 Bf3 30. Rd2 Rag8 31. Kf2) 27. Bb3) 26. Be4 (26. Qh8 Ke7 27. Qg7 ef3 28. Re1 Kd8 29. Qf6 Re7 30. Qh8 (30. Rd1 Qb6 31. Rd4 Bd5! unclear position) 30... Kc7 31. Re7 Be7 32. Bf4 Kb6 33. Be3 Bc5 Black has a moderate advantage) 26... Qc5 27. Kh1 (27. Kf1 Be4 28. fe4 Rad8!) (27. Rd4 Be4 28. fe4 Rad8!? (28... Be5 29. Be3) 29. Be3 Qe5 White has the initiative) 27... Be4 28. fe4 Qf2 29. Rd6 Qh4 30. Kg1 Qe1 drawish position] 22... Qc6 23. f3 Ne4 24. Be4 Qc7 25. Bb7 Qb7 26. Rd2 Rad8 27. Rad1 Rd2 28. Qd2 Qc8 [28... e4 29. f4 Qc8 30. Qd7] 29. Kf2 e4 30. Qd7 Qb8 31. f4 White has a moderate advantage 31... Be7 32. Qa7 Qc8 33. Rd7 Bh4! 34. g3 Rd8 35. Rd8 Bd8 36. Qd4 Bf6!? [36... Qa8 37. Qd7 White has a moderate advantage] 37. Qe4 Qg4 38. Qa8 [38. Qe8 Kh7 39. Qf7 h5 40. Bd4 White has a slight advantage] 38... Kh7 39. Qa6 h5 40. Qb5 [40. Qc6! h4 41. Qf3 Qe6 42. Qh5 Kg8 43. gh4 Qa2 44. Qb5 Bc3 45. Bc1 White has a moderate advantage] 40... h4 41. Qd3 Kg8 42. Bd4 [42. Bd2 Qh3!! 43. Kg1 hg3 44. Qe2 Bd8 45. Qg2 Bb6 46. Kf1 Qg4 47. Qa8 Kh7 48. Qe4 g6 White has sufficient compensation for material deficit] 42... hg3 43. Kg2 Bd4 44. cd4 [44. Qd4 Qh4 45. Kf3 Qh2 (45... f5!? 46. Qd5 Kh8 47. Qf5 Qh2) 46. Qd8 Kh7 47. Qd3 Kg8 48. Qe2 Qh5 49. Ke3 Qh1] 44... Qf4 45. Qg3 Qe4 46. Qf3 Qd4 47. b3